Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

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Jumat, 09 September 2011

September Flower Aster

started writing this early in Flower Meanings.. September Flower Aster. September Flower Aster daisies can be used as a gift to a lover or someone you care about in the month of September. The following review of the September Flower Aster.

There are certain flowers that are traditionally given according to the month a person is born. September Birth Flower is the Aster. History and traditions surrounding September Birth Flower, Aster is interesting. There are many myths and legends about the origins of this tradition. It is believed that birthday celebrations originated from the Roman Empire and the origins of birth month flowers, such as Aster, can be said to date back to this time. During Roman birthday celebrations family and friends congratulated him and brought gifts. The gifts included gemstone jewelry, such as Sapphire, and also flowers – the first traditions and origins of Flowers Birth September.